Friday, September 9, 2011

Everything I need to know...

I am part of a special needs mommy group, and mostly we talk on facebook. Recently I asked them to contribute to the following conversation...

Everything I need to know in life, I learned from my child with special needs...

*Sleep deprivation won't kill'll just make you very tired.

*Sometimes what seems like a step backwards is really just the wind-up that propels you forward at a greater speed.

*Things are never as bad as they seem.

*Out of small things, come great things.

*If I worked as hard as my child does just to get dressed, I could be President!

*Everyday is a precious day.

*God is good...all the time.

*Live life to the fullest and squeeze your little miracle everyday.

*All things work together for good, even in the very hardest times.

*Laugh often, love much, and cherish everything.

*Do all that you can...and then do the rest tomorrow.

*Just because a doctor says they can't do it doesn't mean they won't do it anyway!

*No matter how isolated you feel, you're never really alone.

*We learn more from our children than we will every teach them.

*Love covers a multitude of junk.

*Take time to process what you are going to do, and give time to others who need that processing time.

*A smile is worth a thousand words.

*Vomit totally comes out in the wash.

*Mommies are chosen for this journey, not burdened with it.

1 comment:

  1. Hi
    My name is Jenna and i came across your site. Your daughter is courageous, strong and determined fighter. She is a brave warrior, smilen champ and an inspirational hero. She is beautiful and has a very pretty smile. She is a precious gift and a special earthly angel. I was born with a rare life threatening disease, 12 diagnosis, and developmental delays. I love it when people sign my guestbook.
