Saturday, July 23, 2011

Feeding/Speech Therapy

Today's 365 picture is actually from yesterday, this Sadie playing with her ipad during therapy.

Therapy with the ipad on 365 Project

Sadie hasn't seen Nancy for probably a month. All our therapies were sorta put on hold while we waited for surgery to be scheduled, went on vacation, and etc etc etc. So, you can imagine Nancy's surprise when last time she saw Sadie she screamed through barely an ounce of solid food, and yesterday Sadie plowed through 4+ ounces (after eating 3+ ounces just a couple of hours before!!)

After eating, they often spend time playing with the ipad; practicing reaching and touching, and working on different sounds and words. Sadie is nowhere near talking, but she is so expressive with her oohs and ahhs and yayas, that I feel like working with her now will NOT be in vain. She may not be a good talker, but I think she WANTS to do it!!

CIMG4505 on 365 Project

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